The Pot Of Gold Lar Familiaris Characters


Plot summary Lar Familiaris, the of Euclio, an old man with a marriageable daughter named Phaedria, begins the play with a prologue about how he allowed Euclio to discover a pot of gold buried in his house. Euclio is then shown almost maniacally guarding his gold from real and imagined threats. Unknown to Euclio, Phaedria is pregnant by a young.

  • The prologue of the play that is an account of the events that have led up to the situation where Euclio is obsessed with the pot of gold that has been provided to him is articulated by Euclio’s household deity, Lar Familiaris.
  • Discuss the role of Lar Familiaris in Plautus’s Pot of Gold. Continue Reading. Previous ASSIGNMENTS QUESTIONS 2020-21. Next BEGC-101 (Indian Classical Literature).
  • Guardian Spirit1 speaker of the prologue; does not appear later on
  • Euclio an old man; the main character of our play
  • Staphyla an old woman; Euclio’s housekeeper
  • Eunomia a married woman; of high status
  • Megadorus an old man; Eunomia’s wealthy brother
  • Strobilus a slave; works for Megadorus
  • Anthrax a cook; clever and witty
  • Congrio a cook; somewhat slow
  • Lyconides’ SERVANT without name in the play
  • Lyconides a young man; Eunomia’s son
  • Phaedrium a young woman; Euclio’s daughter
  • Phrygia a flute-girl; overweight and ugly
  • Eleusium a flute-girl; slim and attractive

The stage represents a street in Athens. In the middle we find ashrine of Good Faith with an altar. To its left there is Euclio’shouse and to its right there is Megadorus’. The exit to the leftleads to the countryside; the exit to the right leads to the citycenter. Eunomia’s house is not on stage. It is in the city.

ListThe pot of gold lar familiaris characters pictures


Course Code :BEGC-102
Course Title :European Classical Literature
Medium :English Medium
Program :BAG / BA (CBCS) / BA English Honours
Maximum Marks :100
Weightage :30%
Session :January 2020 and July 2020
Last Date of Submission :For June Examination: 31st March
For December Examination: 30th September
Solution Type :Softcopy (PDF File)

BEGC 102
European Classical Literature
Assignment for January and July 2020 sessions
(Based on Blocks 1-4)

Maximum Marks 100

The pot of gold lar familiaris characters names

Answer All Questions.

Section A

Write short notes in about 200 words each: 4 × 5 = 20

The Pot Of Gold Lar Familiaris Characters

The Pot Of Gold Lar Familiaris Characters Chart

(i) Catharsis
(ii) Peripetia
(iii) Destiny
(iv) New Greek Comedy

Section B

Answer the following in about 300 words each: 4 X 7.5 = 30

1. Write a note on the three dramatic unities?
2. Why does Oedipus accuse Creon of a conspiracy?
3. Describe Phaedria’s position in the play Pot of Gold?
4. What do you understand of the institution of marriage and the system of dowry in The Pot of Gold?

Section C

The Pot Of Gold Lar Familiaris Characters Pictures

Answer the following questions in about 800 words each: 5 X 10 = 50

1. What are the characteristics of a western epic tradition.
2. Do you agree with Plato’s criticism that the Iliad offers no morals? Give a detailed answer.
3. Examine the four basic elements of a tragedy in relation to Oedipus Rex.
4. Explain the connections between Greek drama and the development of theatre in Rome.
5. Discuss the role of Lar Familiaris in Plautus’s Pot of Gold.

The Pot Of Gold Lar Familiaris Characters Names

Keywords: BEGC-102, BEGC 102, BEGC102, BEGC-102 Assignment Solution, IGNOU Assignment Solution, IGNOU Solution Guide, IGNOU CBCS BA Assignment Solved