Franklin Covey Planning Software 8.0

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Are you looking to get more organized and productive? Franklin Covey software can boost your effectiveness quickly.

Studies have shown that only 1 in 5 employees start their day with a plan and of those that do plan very few actually prioritize their tasks to ensure they are working on the most important things. Franklin software gives you the tools to boost effectiveness and productivity in a number of ways by:

  • providing your tools to set goals through their goals wizard
  • providing a system to align your weekly and daily tasks to your higher goals
  • highlighting the importance of prioritized tasks lists which are reviewed each morning
  • having notes pages that captured all my ideas, phone calls, etc and then links these to projects or contacts
  • connecting my email to the system - which transformed my Outlook an email system to a powerful planning system.
  • syncing to my mobile device and was easily printed and put into Franlin Covey Planner so that I could take anywhere.

Franklin Covey software - PlanPlus as a tool to capture your thoughts and actions

When you first go into the PlanPlus software you go to the homepage which has your task list, calendar, and notes.

All of these are important for keeping you focused on the most important things for you.


'The average white collar worker spends six weeks per year looking for things they already have.'

This shocking statistic was published in the Wall Street Journal, and I am telling you this because you have probably spent much time searching for that important number you jotted down while talking to a client, or the important piece of information for the project that was on a piece of paper.

The notes section at the bottom of the homepage replaces the sticky post-it notes that clutter our desks. If you have ever spent time looking for information then getting into the habit of writing your notes here will save you plenty of time.

Task list and calendar

When using Franklin Covey Software I liked the home page design that showed my prioritized task list and calendar. The calendar shows all my time comittments for the day and all the things that I planned for the week.

The drag and drop feature meant I could drag and drop my tasks in order to change their priority or drag my task to the calendar to change the due date. But what I really like about the drag and drop feature is that I can drag the task into my calendar on the right and schedule my time to do the task.

Because much of my task work required documents that I need to access quickly I really liked the idea that I could attach documents to the tasks. I could then relate this task to a contact in my system.

Since I like to track my time on important projects (with the color green) I liked the idea that I could change the color of some of my appointments. So if I didn't see some green in my day (each and every day) I knew that I wasn't spending my time on this important gigs.

This was a great way for me to visually see if I was spending the time on the right things.


I like the idea that I could separate my contacts into social, business, and family. Enter notes about the contact and attach documents relative to the contact. The history section of the contacts gave me a record of every action item (any note, appointment, task, or phone call) associated with that contact.

This was a great tool as rather than me keeping notes of phone calls on loose bits of paper I had a record of all the calls and what I had discussed with my client at that time. All the information was in one system that was easily found.

Planning with the Franklin Covey Software

The Franklin Covey system is extremely strong on ensuring that you are focused on those things that truly matter. Using the goal setting wizard I am able to construct important goals, the steps to achieve these, and tasks that support those smaller goals.

Franklin Covey Planning Software 8.0 Download

Importantly these are aligned to my personal mission from above and I am able to implement them, through weekly planning, to ensure that I get the most important things done on a daily basis. As you can see the missions, values, goals are very visual in the tabs above the weekly planning image below.

The weekly planning page is connected to your personal mission and goals, to keep you focused on what matters. I really like that I can start with a master project list, and then identify the sub tasks of that goal.

In the weekly planning process I can drag these tasks to daily tasks or schedule them into my calendar. This allows me block out time in advance for my most important roles and activities.

Weekly planning is an incredibly important process which I outline in effective time management.

If you liked Franklin Covey Software you may also like how to apply the principles of GTD to this time management system.


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Time ManagementTime Management Systems › Franklin Covey Software

Franklin Covey PlanPlus

Franklin Covey PlanPlus series are powerful software applications that include the full planning process.


Are you a busy professional?

Do you have a hectic social life or crowded personal life?

If you want to leverage your use of time and achieve what matters most to you then Franklin Covey software may be for you.

At the core of the Franklin Covey software is the Franklin Covey PlanPlus series.

This Franklin Covey software is a one-stop shop that integrates all of your information from different sources, email, memos, voice mail, important points from conversations with others, into an integrated system.

The most popular of the PlanPlus series include:

Franklin Covey PlanPlus Online

If you want software for personal use or for a small business that focuses you on your top priorities then Franklin Covey PlanPlus Online is for you.

This Franklin Covey software focuses you on your top priorities and provides weekly and daily planning tools that align with your values and goals.

PlanPlus Online also has power contact management that allows you to track 1000's of clients, and allows your team to collaborate on a single system.

This software is able to generate useful reports that enable individual and company-wide planning.

By tracking the time that is spent on each customer or the percentage of the task or project completion, you can generate reports employees or customers.

You can then cross-check with timesheet entries and invoice billing.

This puts your finger on the pulse of the company!

You have current, up-to-the-date information on project completion, and are able to track all changes made to the task history.

This Franklin Covey software allows you to keep your goals and tasks in front of you all the time, whether you are mobile or not.

PlanPlus Online is compatible with most smartphones and is a good way to seamlessly integrate employee time management software into your suite of productivity tools.

Franklin Covey PlanPlus for Windows

Are you looking for an electronic planning system that has calendar, contact, and task management capabilities?

This Franklin Covey software is like having the paper-based Franklin Covey Planners, just that it is online!

The familiar paper Planner system is easily brought to your desktop with PlanPlus for Windows.

PlanPlus for Windows 5.1 can be used on your computer, or Tablet PC, and syncs with Palm-held devices.

This software clarifies your goals and overall mission statement and then provides the daily and weekly planning tools to align your work at the coal-face with your longer-term strategic direction.

Personally, I like how the weekly planning tool incorporates my weekly compass and goals.

Also I when using the software I was able to capture my electronic documents into my planning process.

These plans and lists were then able to be synchronized to Microsoft Outlook, or in my case the Microsoft Exchange Server.

Plan plus for windows brings your information straight onto your desktop seamlessly and in an integrated way.

PlanPlus for Microsoft Outlook

PlanPlus For Outlook V.6 turbo-charges your email system!

Do you want to use your Microsoft Outlook as a power planning tool?

Do you want to work with tasks, calendar options, notes and email, all in one screen?

If you are currently a Microsoft Outlook user then this powerful Franklin Covey software complements the features of Outlook.


You will notice that there are additional task features such as prioritization of tasks, daily and weekly planning tools, project management and goal planning when you use this Franklin Covey software.

Franklin Covey Planning Software 8.0 Free Download

This Franklin Covey software integrates the time-tested principles of the Franklin Covey time management system into Microsoft Outlook.

Franklin Covey Planning Software 8.0 Software

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